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This album contains photos from the personal archives of Alexey Akindinov relating to the second decade of the twenty-first century, starting from January 2014 to October 2015. Updates are located at the beginning of the gallery. Navigating pages made at the bottom of the gallery.


Photogallery «Three Centuries»
Within the Relay of the Ryazan Victories exhibition - the Physical Culture and Sport exhibition devoted to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
Within the Relay of the Ryazan Victories exhibition - the Physical Culture and Sport exhibition devoted to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

January 29, 2014. Ryazan museum of history of the youth movement. Exposition of pictures of the Ryazan artists (painting, graphics). A photo from the news site "Mediaryazan".

Within the Relay of the Ryazan Victories exhibition - the Physical Culture an...

При создании фотогалереи были использованы фотографии следующих авторов: Евгений Каширин, Александр Рюмин, Владимир Кованов, Илья Зеленецкий, Андрей Миронов, Максимильян Пресняков, Василий Фокин, Екатерина Акиндинова, Дмитрий Макаров, Влад Ефремов, Маргарита Полянская, Алексей Акиндинов, Елена Горячева, Владимир Фролов, Александр Королёв, Анатолий Степанов, Ольга Самохвалова. 
